Plastic Molds


Aço ligado ao Cr-Mn-Mo-Ni com microadições, já fornecido em estado beneficiado. Devido à sua composição química balanceada e processo de fabricação, este material possui boa usinabilidade, excelente soldabilidade,alta nitretabilidade, excelente polibilidade e resposta à texturização. É indicado para aplicações diversas em moldes para transformação de plástico.


Cr-Mo-Mn alloy steel, with micro-additions, delivered processed. Due to its balanced chemical composition, this material has good machinability, weldability, polishability, response to texturing and nitriding. It is suitable for molds used in the injection of non-chlorinated plastics, especially for applications that require higher mechanical strength and wear resistance than AISI P20 or DIN 1.2738 steels; Dies for extrusion of non-chlorinated thermoplastics; Various plastic molding applications.


Steel provided after processing. Great machinability. Good response to nitriding. Not recommended for parts requiring texturing process, chroming and high polishability. Low abrasion molds with low polishability requirements for injection and extrusion of non-chlorinated thermoplastics. Bases and mold structures for plastic. Male and female injection molds.


Steel with excellent machinability and weldability associated with good mechanical strength and corrosion resistance, allowing work to be performed in damp environments as those found in hot rooms, and storage conditions, such as mold bases and fasteners. It can also be used in molds for extrusion, injection, and blow molding of non-chlorinated thermoplastic polymers requiring low polishability.


Steel provided after processing. It has good polishability and response to texturing. Improved machinability as a result of special treatments. For improving wear resistance, it can be nitrided or cemented. Molds for injection and extrusion of low abrasion non-chlorinated thermoplastic. Large molds.


Stainless steel after quenching and tempering. As primary advantage, it has high corrosion resistance, which allows it to be used in damp environments. Applications: Injection molds for chlorinated thermoplastics; work or storage in damp environments; glass industry.


Precipitation-hardenable stainless steel. It has excellent properties: dimensional and shape stability; weldability; corrosion resistance; polishability and response to texturing. Tools for forming thermoplastics, including in corrosive processes (chlorinated polymer forming). Can be worked and stored in damp locations.

VH13IM for Plastic Molds

Steel tool used for mold applications when requiring hardness higher than that provided by VP20 and VP50 steels. It has excellent polishability. Molds for non-chlorinated thermoplastic injection requiring wear resistance combined with good polishability. Glass molds.


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