Since 1944, Villares Metals is a global reference in providing services and solutions of special steels and alloys. Its results arise from the quality, specificity and differential of its products and services. Its portfolio includes industries that require high technology as well as high performance segments, such as automotive, tooling, power, capital goods and others.
The success is due to the expertise gained over time and also to all investment made in the factory, in people and in the Research and Development Center, which focuses on developing new products and processes to meet specific customer needs and general market requirements. As a result, the company is considered the largest producer of non-flat high alloy specialty steel in Latin America.
What do we do?
Several possibilities
Villares Metals offers complete solutions for various segments and industries. Its portfolio includes: high-speed steels, tool steels (hot work, cold work and plastic molds), stainless steel, valve steels, special alloys and forgings.
First class infrastructure
Semi-integrated steel maker company, it relies on a cutting edge steel mill, equipped with two electric arc furnaces, ladle furnaces, degassing system (VD and VOD)¹, remelt furnaces (VAR and ESR)² and vacuum induction melting furnaces (VIM )³, conventional and continuous casting, hydraulic forging presses, roughing and finishing mills, as well as complete installations for heat treatment, cold finishing and inspection.
In order to be even closer to its customers and provide prompt and quality service, the company operates with Distribution Centers (DC), which together form Latin America's largest tool steel DCs. With an area of 7,500 m² in the city of Sumaré/SP, 3,300 m² in Joinville/SC, 1,500 m² in Vespasiano/MG and 3,300m² in Flores da Cunha/RS, it has cutting machinery and over 2,500 stocked items. These four units serve the entire country.
¹ VD: Vacuum Degassing | VOD: Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization
² VAR: Vacuum Arc Remelting | ESR: Electro-Slag Remelting
³ VIM: Vacuum Induction Melting